UW Medicine Consortium Endowed Scholarship
No letter required
Over the past 20 years, federal loan programs, which have more favorable rates and repayment terms than UW loans, have been readily available for medical students and have reduced the need for UW funds for this purpose — resulting in a significant number (approximately $1 million) of UW Medicine loan funds that have not been used. Due to these circumstances and after a thorough review, the Dean of the School of Medicine and the Attorney General of Washington, pursuant to RCW 24.55.045, have approved the conversion of specific UW Medicine loan funds to endowed scholarships.
Additionally, care has been taken to maintain other loan funds to adequately meet our current and projected future needs for this type of aid.
The following UW Medicine loan funds were identified to be combined to create the UW Medicine Consortium Endowed Scholarship:
• Burdon-Irwin-Johnson Women Medical Students Loan Fund, created by gifts made by various female physicians in the community.
• Chi Omega Loan Fund, created by a gift from the Chi Omega Alumnae organization.
• Charles Ward Day Medical Student Loan Fund, created by gifts made in memory of Dr. Charles Ward Day.
• Maj Loop Memorial Loan Fund, created by gifts made in memory of Maj Loop.
• Medical Mrs. Student Loan Fund, created by the Medical Mrs. organization, a group made up of married female medical students.
• Medical School Class of 1950 Loan Fund, created by gifts made in honor of various members of the 1950 Class of the UW School of Medicine.
• John Miles Miller Loan Fund, created by gifts made in memory of John Miles Miller.
• Edna H. O’Reilley Medical Loan Fund, created through an estate gift from Edna H. O’Reilley. A descendant of Alexander Hamilton, Mrs. Edna Hamilton O’Reilley was born in Tacoma, WA. In 1943 she became director of the United Services Organization in Palm Springs, CA, where she resided with her late husband Col. James H. O’Reilley. Mrs. O’Reilley died in Palm Desert, CA at the age of 77 in November 1975.
• Physio-Control Corporation Medical Student Scholarship Fund, created by a gift from the Physio-Control Corporation. Physio-Control made this gift in 1974 at the direction of their president at the time, Mr. W. Hunter Simpson. During his lifetime, Mr. Simpson was a strong supporter of the UW School of Medicine. Although Mr. Simpson passed away in 2006, his legacy continues with his wife, Mrs. Dorothy L. Simpson, and son, Mr. Brooks H. Simpson, who are both actively involved in supporting UW Medicine.
• Loren Rhodes Emergency Fund for Medical Students, created by gifts in memory of Loren Rhodes. The Loren Rhodes Emergency Fund for Medical Students was established at the request of Ms. Loren Rhodes’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rhodes. Loren Rhodes was a medical student at University of Washington when she was fatally injured in an automobile accident in 1967.
• Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Ward Medical Student Loan Fund, created by a gifts from Dr. Kenneth C. and Mrs. Laura J. Ward.
• Yakima County Medical Auxiliary Loan Fund, created through a gift from the Yakima County Medical Society.
The UW Medicine Consortium Endowed Scholarship will provide current and future medical students with much-needed scholarship support while also honoring the intent and generosity of the donors.