Lee Anne McGonagle Malott Endowed Scholarship in Medical Technology
EST. 2009
Please address your letter to:
Dr. Ralph Malott
Lee Anne McGonagle Malott, MPH, an emeritus faculty member in the Department of Laboratory Medicine, joined the newly formed Department of Laboratory Medicine in 1969, became a faculty member in the Medical Technology Program in 1970, and worked with students at all levels in the scientific area of clinical microbiology. Ms. Malott’s husband, Ralph J. Malott, M.D., Res. ’66, graduated from the University of Nebraska with undergraduate degrees in zoology and chemistry, and then entered the master’s degree program in pharmacology before obtaining his M.D. from its medical school. Later, among other responsibilities, he was a clinical associate professor for the UW Department of Psychiatry and met regularly with residents. In recognition of the outstanding spirit in the UW Department of Laboratory Medicine, the need for a stable source of scholarship funding for Medical Technology Program students, and the value that they place on higher education, the Malott family is creating the Lee Anne McGonagle Malott Endowed Scholarship in Medical Technology.