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UW Medicine Fund >
In giving to the UW Medicine Fund, you will support our priorities in research, patient care and education. Used at the discretion of the Dean, this fund helps us develop innovative programs and recruit fine faculty, and it gives us the freedom to pursue opportunities and support essential needs in pursuing our mission: improving public health.
UW Medicine Patient Care Excellence Fund >
To support priorities across all parts of the UW Medicine health system, including staffing, equipment and care needs related to COVID-19, at the direction of the President, UW Medicine Hospitals & Clinics.
UW Medicine Research Innovation Fund >
To support basic science research that improves lives, locally and globally, by translating discovery into treatments and cures.
UW Medicine Scholarship Fund >
To support student scholarships in the UW School of Medicine.
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A. Bruce Montgomery, M.D. – American Lung Association Endowed Chair in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine >
The purpose of this endowment shall be to enable the University to attract and retain distinguished faculty in pulmonary and critical care medicine at UW Medicine.
Abrass Family Endowed Fellowship in Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine >
To offset educational expenses for fellows in the Division of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine pursuing educational opportunities in Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine at UW Medicine.
Academic Pathology Fund >
To assist in pathology training and research in the Department of Pathology.
Accelerated Equity in Autism Care Fund >
The UW Autism Center Accelerated Equity in Autism Care fund has been created to help combat health disparity problems by providing much needed support to families and patients with ASD in need.
Access to On-Time Autism Intervention: A UW Autism Center and Haring Center Collaboration >
The purpose of this fund shall be to provide support for the Haring Center and the UW Autism Center to benefit their collaboration to develop a model program that provides young children with diagnostic evaluations.
Accessible Diagnostics Gift >
To support the research of salivary diagnostics in the Department of Bioengineering.
Acorn Project Fund >
Supports research in the development of IVF technology for the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Act Smart Initiative >
To accelerate the discovery of life-changing treatments by making clinical trials and research more nimble and informative and to enhance care by improving access to state-of-the-art prevention and treatment through six components at UW Medicine's Institute for Prostate Cancer Research.
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) Research Gift Fund >
To support research of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) and Aggressive Lymphoma, such as the work currently being done by Dr. Cassaday in the Division of Hematology.
Acute Myeloid Leukemia Clinical Research Program (AMLCRP) Fund >
To support AML database and clinical research in the Division of Hematology, such as the work being done by Dr. Eli Estey.
Acute Renal Failure Research Fund >
To support research in acute renal failure in the Division of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine.
Ada and Fannie Wright Memorial Fund >
To support basic research in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer at UW Medicine.
Adenovirus Vectors Gift Fund >
To be used on adenovirus vectors research, such as the work done by Dr. Dmitry Shayakhmetov, in the Division of Medical Genetics.
Adolescent Clinic Research Fund >
Supports outreach and community-based programs for adolescents in the Department of Pediatrics.
Adolescent Medicine Research and Development Fund >
Support for education of students, residents and fellows in UW Medicine's Department of Pediatrics.
Adolescent Suicide Prevention Fund >
To support work in adolescent suicide prevention evaluation and dissemination in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, such as the work of Dr. Molly Adrian.
Adrienne and Donald R. Theophilus, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Fund >
To provide financial assistance to medical students from Alaska who attend the UW School of Medicine. It is the donor's preference to support students who attend through the Alaska WWAMI Program.
Adult Autism Clinic Fund >
To support the activities of the Adult Autism Clinic at UW Medicine.
Adult Congenital Heart Disease Fund >
To support the Adult Congenital Heart Disease Program
Adult Cystic Fibrosis Program Fund >
To support the Adult CF Program in the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, such as the work currently under the direction of Dr. Moira Aitken.
Advanced Bionics Non-restricted Educational Gift Fund >
To provide funds to the Virginia Merrill Bloedel Hearing Research Center at the UW in support of graduate fellowships.