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Orthopaedics Discretionary Fund >
In supporting this fund, you'll help the UW Medicine Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine pursue its goals in patient care, teaching, and research. This fund will be used at the department chair's discretion to pursue departmental initiatives.
Orthopaedics Discretionary Fund >
In supporting this fund, you'll help the UW Medicine Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine pursue its goals in patient care, teaching, and research. This fund will be used at the department chair's discretion to pursue departmental initiatives.
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Allan Treuer-Ted Wagner, M.D. Endowed Chair in Regenerative Spine Surgery >
To enhance the University's ability to attract and retain distinguished faculty in regenerative spine surgery.
Bernice Kent Endowed Fund for Spinal Research >
To benefit spinal research in the Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine at the discretion of the Chair.
Bob and Sally Behnke Endowed Chair for the Health of the Student Athlete >
To enhance the University's ability to recruit and retain distinguished faculty in sports medicine, faculty who will place a clinical focus on the University's student athletes, in the Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine.
Boeing Hand Research Fund >
Support for carpal tunnel research in UW Medicine's Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine.
Chansky Family Endowed Fund for Orthopaedic Resident Recruitment >
To aid the Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine’s resident recruitment efforts, which may include broad-based financial support for medical students considering a residency at the University of Washington.
Clawson Family Orthopaedic Library Endowed Fund >
To support the Clawson Orthopaedic Library at Harborview Medical Center.
Don and Carol James Research Fund in Sports Medicine and Fitness >
Supports research in sports medicine and fitness in UW Medicine's Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine.
Douglas P. Hanel, MD, Endowment for Orthopaedic Training and Research in Resident Education >
The purpose of this endowed fund shall be to provide support for the Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine.
Douglas T. Harryman II/DePuy Endowed Chair in Shoulder Research >
The research team at UW Medicine's Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine is dedicated to the concept of regenerative orthopaedics — the application of biologically sound treatments to prevent failure of bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and intervertebral discs. This endowed fund supports investigations into such treatments.
Endowed Chair in Women's Sports Medicine and Lifetime Fitness >
Income from this endowed fund enhances the Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine's mission of enabling women of all ages to enjoy the benefits of physical activity throughout their lives.
Ernest M. Burgess Endowed Chair for Orthopaedic Investigation >
Provides salary support for the Burgess Chair and related research activities in UW Medicine's Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine.
Evelyn Elaine Carman Endowed Research Fund in Women's Sports Medicine and Lifetime Fitness >
Shall be used by the university of Washington School of Medicine for and to support research in women's sports medicine and lifetime fitness.
Fracture Fixation Biology Endowed Professorship >
The purpose of this endowment shall be to enable the University to attract and retain distinguished faculty in orthopaedic traumatology.
Friends of Orthopaedic Research and Education Fund >
Supports orthopaedic research, teaching and clinical programs in the Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine.
Hansjoerg Wyss Endowed Chair >
To enable the University to attract and retain a distinguished faculty member focused on the study and evaluation of surgical solutions for spinal disorders.
HMC Orthopaedic Discretionary Fund >
To support the HMC Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle research and educational endeavors.
Huang-Bui Orthopaedic Resident Endowed Support Fund >
To support Department of Orhtopaedics residents' out of pocket educational expenses such as, but not limited to, travel to conferences, books etc.
James G. Garrick Endowed Lectureship in Sports Medicine >
The purpose of this endowment shall be to bring to the University of Washington distinguished scholars in the field of sports medicine in the Department of Orthopaedics.
Jerome H. Debs II Endowed Chair in Orthopaedic Traumatology >
To enhance the University's ability to recruit and retain faculty specializing in orthopaedic traumatology within the Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine.
Jerome H. Debs II Endowed Chair in Orthopaedic Traumatology Operating Account >
To enable the School of Medicine to attract and retain a distinguished faculty member in the field of orthopaedic traumatology in the Department of Orthopaedics.
John F. Le Cocq Lectureship in Orthopaedic Surgery >
Provides support to bring an outstanding individual to present a lecture in orthopaedic surgery or allied fields annually to the Department of Orthopaedics.
Kathryn E. Cramer Endowed Orthopaedics Research Fund >
To support orthopedics research.
LeCocq Lecture Discretionary Fund >
Provides support for the annual LeCocq Lecture in the Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine.
Orthopaedic Resident Endowed Support Fund >
To provide funding for Department of Orthopaedics residents' out-of-pocket educational expenses, such as, but not limited to: travel to conferences, books, etc.; for costs incurred by resident-driven speakers' programs, or seminars; and for awards for residents.