Make an Enduring Investment in a Healthier Tomorrow
Do you want to change the world today — and for years to come? Endowments are a meaningful way your generosity can improve the health of the public for generations.
Regular distributions from your endowment will provide a reliable, ongoing source of financial support that funds the work you care about most, forever.
Questions? We can help.
Interested in learning more about endowments? Please contact us at writemed@uw.edu or download our guide to Creating an Endowment at UW Medicine. Thank you for your interest!
Endowments at a Glance
Ready to make a difference? You can create an endowment that supports UW Medicine’s faculty, educational programs, students and trainees or program priorities.
Program needs vary; University of Washington minimums and endowment types are also subject to change.
Faculty Support Funds
Vital in recruiting and retaining superb faculty
A one-time endowment recognizing the appointment of a non-academic leadership of a program and provides unrestricted funding to be used at the Director’s discretion. (Minimum funding: market price)
A one-time endowment recognizing the appointment of an administrative chair of a department and provides unrestricted funding to be used at the holder’s discretion during their tenure as chair. (Minimum funding: $4-6 million)
Full or substantial portion of salary and related clinical and/or scholarly support for faculty holders. (Minimum funding: $3 million)
Portion of salary and related academic, clinic, research and/or scholarly support. (Minimum funding: $1 million – market price)
Salary, research and other academic support for a faculty member. (Minimum funding: $500,000)
Scholarship/Fellowship Funds
Essential to attracting the best students and trainees
Tuition, books, fees and other educational, research and/or living expenses for MD students, PhD students, undergraduate students, and other professional and graduate students, including residents, fellows and trainees. This fund provides substantial funding for students/trainees often at the level or near the full cost of tuition and related educational expenses. (Minimum funding: $1 million)
Tuition, books, fees and other educational, research and/or living expenses for MD students, PhD students, and other professional and graduate students, including residents, fellows and trainees. Focused awards are intended to provide substantial funding to students/trainees and allow donors to define more focused selection preferences or field of study. (Minimum funding: $500,000)
Tuition, books, fees and other educational, research and/or living expenses for MD students, PhD students and other professional and graduate students, including residents, fellows and trainees. (Minimum funding: $250,000)
Tuition, books, fees and other related educational expenses. Donors may choose limited restrictions and preferences including school/department, and criteria such as merit, need, first-generation status, WA residency and/or approved DEI options. (Minimum funding: $100,000)
Program Support Funds
Enormously valuable in supporting program priorities and needs
This fund type provides substantial support within a defined focus area and is generally considered to be multi-purpose, therefore provide flexibility to support students, faculty and/or programming. (Minimum funding: $2 million)
Broad-based support for research in a particular area, discipline or topic (research support, travel, publication and other expenses of faculty and/or students). (Minimum funding: $250,000)
Unrestricted support for a department, program, school, college or campus or UW Medicine at large (includes research support, publication series, etc.). May be further specified to focus on students or faculty. (Minimum funding: $100,000)
Frequently Asked Questions
An endowment is a permanent fund that supports the purpose of your choice. Your gift is invested in perpetuity, while quarterly distributions from your endowment provide a steady, reliable source of financial support to UW Medicine. Endowments help UW Medicine recruit the very best faculty and students and make advances that improve lives in our region and around the world.
Your endowment can be designated to support:
• Chairs, professorships or faculty fellowships
• Education, including scholarships and fellowships
• Research
• Patient care
• Unrestricted program use
We encourage you or your adviser to contact us. We can help you structure a gift that is meaningful to you — and beneficial to UW Medicine’s work in research, education and patient care. You can use almost any type of asset, including cash, securities and real estate. Bequests and other deferred gifts, including those that provide life income to you or another beneficiary, can also fund endowments. To create a new endowment with a name of your choosing, UW Medicine has several options — based on the level of funding required. Gifts of any size can support an existing endowment.
Endowment gifts are invested in the University of Washington’s Consolidated Endowment Fund (CEF). While the investment is a collective endeavor, each named endowment is monitored separately to track growth in principal and distributions. The CEF holds a diversified mix of stocks, bonds and other assets, managed by professional investment firms employed by the university.
The UW’s Board of Regents oversees CEF investment and spending policies and regularly evaluates the fund’s management and performance. The UW Endowment Report contains detailed information on the CEF, its investment policies and recent returns. Contributors of $10,000 or more to an endowment receive an annual report on the performance of the fund or funds they personally support. Additionally, UW Medicine provides donors with opportunities to learn about the impact of their gift, including reports, updates from endowed faculty holders, student stories and in-person opportunities to meet those who have benefited from their generosity.