Rural Programs

WWAMI is the University of Washington School of Medicine’s regional medical education program, spanning Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana and Idaho.

These states have partnered with the UW School of Medicine — along with faculty, physicians, universities, medical societies and associations, Area Health Education Centers (AHEC), hospitals and clinics in these states — to advance excellence in medical education and to help meet physician workforce needs in the region.

In 2021 and 2022, WWAMI celebrated its 50th anniversary — read more about the history of the program.

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The WWAMI Impact

The impact of the WWAMI program is incredibly broad — reaching millions of people across five states. Here’s the story of how the WWAMI site in Miles City, Montana, has impacted the community, the surrounding region and the School of Medicine students and alumni who serve the area.

“If you took me to Seattle for four years and taught me medicine there, I would have no concept of what medicine looked like here in a smaller facility in eastern Montana….This gives them the opportunity to see that they could be a doctor here and see what that looks like,” says Sue Gallo, MD.

Rural Programs Spotlight

TRUST - Targeted Rural Underserved Track
This track prepares students for future practice in underserved rural areas and underserved small cities of the WWAMI region. Students who choose TRUST start with a one- to two-week summer experience in a WWAMI community, then they return to that same community throughout the first 18 months of their medical education.

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RUOP - Rural Underserved Opportunities Program
RUOP is a four-week, elective rotation where students live in rural or urban under-resourced communities throughout the WWAMI region. They work side-by-side with local physicians providing health care to underserved populations.

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WRITE - WWAMI Rural Integrated Training Experience
WRITE offers selected third-year medical students a 21/24-week clinical education experience at a rural primary care teaching site. Throughout the clerkship, emphasis is on the rural physician’s roles and responsibilities to diagnose, treat and manage most health problems.

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Explore Rural Programs

Learn more about all the Rural Programs offered at the UW School of Medicine.

Your Impact in Action

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Your caring generosity will support student programs like TRUST, RUOP and WRITE for the entire WWAMI region.

Will you help us train the next generation of healthcare leaders to provide outstanding care for rural and underserved communities across our region?